Team Visit to St. Helena Conclave
Friday 12th January 2018
The team was led by V.Ill.Kt. Frederick Hargreaves Deputy Intendant General accompanied by Ill.Kt. Peter Schofield Divisional Eusebius and team members, the Conclave was opened by the M.P.S. After the initial business the Deputy Divisional Marshal Ill.Kt Stephen Gregory led into the Conclave the Divisional Team, after the welcome by the MPS the Deputy Intendant General took over the MPS's Chair and introduced the member of the team present. after which he requested the MPS to resume his rightful place in the Conclave for the ceremony of Installation.
D.I. General Congratulating W.Kt. Hodgson on becoming a member of the Order
Comp. M.E. Hodgson of Makerfield Chapter No. 2155, was Installed in a most impressive manner by the MPS P. Kt. Francis Laird assisted by members of the Conclave, the Oration was given in a very able manner by Ill.Kt. Neil Cooper.
W.Kt. M.E. Hodgson, M.P.S. F. Laird, Dep.I.G. F. Hargreaves
and Ill.Kt. P. Schofield Div. Eusebius
The Deputy Intendant General congratulated the MPS and all who had taken part in a very good Installation ceremony.
The impressive ceiling in the Masonic building at St. Helens
W.Kt. Tony Hall, Ill.Kt. Peter Hegarty and
P.Kt. Iain Brown anxious waiting for the festive board
The Divisional Team then retired.
W.Kt. John Bicknell getting tips from the
Captain of the Sepulchre Guard P.Kt. Reynell Morris
The festive board was a very lively affair with good food and good company in all a very enjoyable evening was had by all.
Ill.Kt. Pete Schofield Divisional Eusebius