Team Visit to Hesketh Conclave No. 309
28th February 2018
Thirty-Five plus hardy Worthy Knights ventured out on one of the coldest days of the year to attend a meeting of Hesketh Conclave this was a Team Visit led by R.Ill.Kt. Michael Walker our Intendant General.
Ron Gates, Pete Schofield, Peter Hainsworth and Mike Walker
Having been welcomed by the MPS.  P.Kt. Victor Parker, the I.G took the chair and introduced the team, except for the Deputy Intendant General V.Ill.Kt Fred Hargreaves who had been taken ill and confined to bed, everyone wishes him a speedy recovery. The I.G then requested that the MPS resumed his rightful place, the MPS then requested all present to stand in memory of Ill.Kt Peter David Whalen who had passed to Higher Service.
The Sovereign then presented two cheques, each for £300.00 to the Intendent General in favour of Rosemere Cancer Care and Macmillain Nurses Cancer Support Services in memory of Peter a stalwart or the Conclave for many years.
Ron Gates, Pete Schofield, Roy Crowder, Peter Hainsworth
with Mike Walker, Brian Fairhurst and Ray Haworth
After the closing of the Conclave the team was escorted out while a Sanctuary was opened for the KHS and St. John the Evangelist Ceremony. The Divisional Team resumed their places. The MPS requested that Ill.Kt Raymond Haworth take the chair for the first part of the ceremony the candidate W.Kt. Peter John Hainsworth was escorted into the sanctuary, the second part by R.Ill.Kt. Brian Fairhurst and the third part by Ill.Kt. Roy Crowder, the ceremony was of a very high standard and it is worth noting that the combined age of the three Knights was 259 years proving that you never lose it, well done to all who took place, the candidate could not have been involved in a better ceremony, the ceremony was enhanced by the attendance of the Sepulchre Guard led by P.Kt. Reynal Morris.
The festive board was a very lively affair with some good banter between some of the Knights which made for a memorable evening, the I.G. in his reply to the toast to his health, thanked all present for attending in such weather in particular Ill.Kt. Steven Pemberton who had fought his way down from Cumbria, speeches were kept to a minimum to allow time for the knights to return home safely. In all a very pleasant evening was had by all.
Report an Photographs courtesy of Pete Schofield Div Eusebius