Visit to Leonard Healey Conclave |
At 11am, Saturday 11th November 2017, Leonard Healey Conclave, meeting at Pemberton Masonic Conclave. Wigan. Were called to Silence by the Deputy Intendent General. To remember those who died in War. After the 2 minute silence, Masonic proceedings resumed. The order of business on the Summons, was the Installation of the Eminent Viceroy Jeff Campbell (I.O.M. P. Grand Secretary in both Craft & Chapter) This was done word perfectly by E. Kt. John Karron. It was a pleasure to watch. |
The next order of business was the Enthronement of E. Kt. John Karron, by P. Kt. John Selley. I joked to him after the ceremony, that had he had a Northern accent, rather than a Southern accent, it would have been excellent. I jested, but in all sincerity that was one of the best enthronements I have witnessed and clearly a lot of work had gone into learning and delivering the ceremony. | |
There were 10 members present, and 4 visitors. Although the Conclave is small in number, it is large in fellowship. The other visitors and I, had a very enjoyable meeting. We were entertained at the festive board. It was all going so well until the newly installed MPS bid us all a safe journey home, then wished us a Merry Christmas! |
Iain Brown P.Div.Eusebius |